5 Tips For Fall Cleaning
Do you Fall clean as much as you Spring clean? You should! Summer is a time of open windows and little ones running through the house from outside, which provides a lot of opportunity for germs to enter your home. Take advantage of cooler fall weekends and get the house ready for winter with this checklist:
- Clean from top to bottom. Go through each room and dust everything! Walls, ceilings, baseboards, etc. Summer is a common time for the house to collect dust, and dust is an easy way to cause irritation in the winter. Follow through with a thorough vacuuming of carpets and any fabric drapes you may have.
- Winterize the beds. Pull out all of your heavier winter blankets and give them a solid wash to make them feel like new. Flip or rotate your mattress (you should be doing this every three months). Tuck your kids into a warm, cozy and clean winter bed.
- Organize the closets. Go through your closets and your kids’ closets and pull items that you no longer wear or don’t fit anymore. Make a pile of clothing to donate. Swap out the summer styles for the winter coats and sweaters that have been packed away.
- Wash the windows. Go through the house and wash all the windows, indoors and out, to avoid this step during the cold and snowy winter months. Take out the screens and wash them so they’re ready to go next summer. Replace them with storm windows.
- Deep clean the kitchen. Fall means the holidays will be here before we know it, and holidays often bring guests. Deep clean all of your appliances – refrigerator, oven, and dishwasher. Organize your cabinets and drawers to make sure you can easily find what you need.
- Use VOC-free OR Low-VOC cleaners. In winter, windows are open less, and according to the EPA, our indoor environment is two to five times more polluted than the air in our outdoor environment. Because of this, look for cleaners that are low or no-VOC – and make sure to open your windows for 5 minutes a week during the winter!
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