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OIT choosing one word for your new year article

Choosing One Word For Your New Year

Another year and another time where we think about what resolutions and goals we need to set for the new year. Personally, I don’t set New Year’s resolutions. Instead, I pick one word that I want to describe my year that I can work on throughout the year and I’ve been doing this every new year since 2011!

I like doing this because it takes the pressure off of setting resolutions and goals. It’s just one word and that one word can set the tone for the entire year. In previous years I’ve picked words such as, “growth,” “trust,” “prayer,” “relationship,” and “grace.” These words have helped me so many times through the years and it’s fun to see how the theme pops up throughout that year.

How to Pick Your “One Word.”

So how do you pick your own word? It usually takes me a few weeks to decide on a word that’s right for me. I think over the past year and what has happened and I think to the coming year and about what I want to happen and what my hopes and dreams are.

Only you know what word is best for you. It can be something private and personal or something that you share with a friend so she can help you stick to that theme and the goals you set with it.

Once you find a word that is perfect for you, choose three ways you want that word to describe your year. Set goals on how to apply that word to your life throughout the year and set goals around that one word. How do you want your word to describe your life in the new year?

At the end of the year, think back on the one word you picked. Were you able to see it as a theme throughout your year? Did you meet all your work-related goals? You may be surprised at how much you’ve grown the past year and how much that one word popped up in your life!