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OIT 5 reasons military spouses are awesome article

Five Reasons Military Spouses Are Awesome

Candy Olivares

All military spouses share one common bond: we are married to, we support and we love a service member. Here’s another thing we share: we are all AWESOME! Each day we do our best to keep our home going whether we are a stay at home parent, a working parent or not a parent at all. It’s not an easy life, but we make the best of it! Here are five reasons military spouses are awesome!


1- We are emotionally and mentally strong

It’s not easy managing a family without your partner for months at a time, nor is it easy to make a permanent change of station (PCS) from one duty station to another with just a few weeks or months notice, but we do it! Sometimes it seems like the world is caving in on us, but we take a step back and breathe.

We take it for what it is and just go with it. It gets done. Moves have been done with family members who have been deployed or in training, and with our family and pets in tow. Some would say it’s only a matter of logistics, and it may be until you realize you are also dealing with the emotions of leaving.

Not only are you dealing with your own emotions, but your children’s emotions as well. The military spouse makes it through and smiles as they drive off into the sunset towards their next station. While you may or may not miss your old duty station, you just whooped that PCS.


2- You Adapt 

You’re a jack-of-all-trades that finds their way. I have noticed from personal experience that military spouses often end up knowing the areas where we are stationed better than our service member. Getting around the new duty station is imperative to find places around town to eat, shop and get the best deals—and that’s just the fun stuff! We often have to find new doctors, dentists, and child care, all while managing the regular day-to-day tasks. We adapt to our new surroundings. Some might say it’s part of the journey, but learning a new area quickly also takes skill.


3- Banking on You

It doesn’t matter if your service member is just starting out, or if they are a seasoned troop, finances are always a priority and military spouses always find a way to make it work. From using coupons to bartering, military spouses are resourceful in ways you couldn’t imagine; all while keeping the family’s best interest at hand.

I have learned the best tips on saving from military spouses. Finding ways to become our own bosses. Lots of military spouses have turned themselves into entrepreneurs to offer their families additional income and put their skills to work. Where there is a will, there is a way.


4- Moving and Shaking

Moving around as much as we do, we can’t anticipate what type of space we will be in from one duty station to another. You could be in a sprawling 2000 sq ft home at one duty station and living in close quarters in a 900 sq ft home at the next. No problem! We will make it work!

If a military spouse has moved abroad you can bet they are probably advanced level on pre-PCS purging. I have seen some impressive setups by spouses to make the most of their lack of space. If there’s a way, we will figure it out; you can bet on that!


5- Giving Your Time

Even if military spouses aren’t able to get out of their home much, they help via social media. When people have questions, military spouses have answers! In-person, military spouses make up the bulk of volunteer positions on post installations and in the towns where they live. It’s a wonderful thing to give back to your temporary home community! The installation and community appreciate military spouses for giving back and becoming a fixture in local places. Getting involved in any capacity is awesome.


Even though you might not think you are any or all of the above, give yourself more credit. You are a part of an amazing lifestyle with your partner and you are making it work on a daily basis for yourself and your family. It truly is a beautiful thing to see a military spouse in action. You are so AWESOME!