Dry Skin in Babies: Your Questions Answered
Have you ever put your baby to bed with soft, smooth skin, but found it felt dry the next day? Although this may have left you puzzled, dryness is common in delicate baby skin.
Because it loses moisture more quickly than an adult’s, baby skin can dry out easily. Pediatric dermatologist and mom-of-two Dr Zilda sees many baby dry skin conditions. “Baby eczema and baby dermatitis are frequent problems and occur more often in babies, because their skin is thinner and more sensitive,” she explains.
Whatever the condition, dryness isn’t unbeatable. Using mild and caring products can help to soothe and hydrate dry baby skin. Here are answers to some common questions.
“How can my baby already have dry skin?”
“Baby skin loses water faster, is thinner and more sensitive than an adult’s, and has an immature temperature control, while also being more susceptible to germs,” says pediatric dermatologist Dr. Kerstin. It’s easy to see why it needs extra-special care. Luckily Baby Dove’s hypoallergenic and pH-neutral baby lotions deliver moisturizing care for all baby skin, including a newborn’s
“What should I do when my baby’s skin is dry?”
You might find that dry skin in baby needs a little more care. “If your baby’s skin is dry, a moisturizer should be used daily,” recommends Dr. Zilda. Using our Rich Moisture Hypoallergenic Lotion, for example, keeps dry skin hydrated for up to 24 hours
“How long should my baby spend in the bath?”
Bathtime can be one of the best parts of the day – so do it the way that suits you and your baby. But if your little one has dry skin, you might want to keep it short and sweet. “Try shorter baths – up to five minutes,” says Dr. Kerstin, “and use warm rather than hot water”
“How can I make sure the bath water isn’t too hot?”
Many parents use their elbow to test the temperature of their baby’s bath. If you like to be precise, you could try a bath thermometer – they will generally suggest a temperature of 98 to 100 degrees
“Do all mild cleansers stop baby skin from drying out?”
To get the best care for your baby, you will want to go for a cleanser that moisturizes, too, such as the Baby Dove Rich Moisture Hypoallergenic Wash (Link opens in new window.), which contains our ¼ moisturizing cream
“How long after the bath should I put moisturizer on?”
That all depends on your personal bath routine. If you ask Dr. Kerstin, as soon as possible is best: “if their skin is dry, apply a moisturizer right after the bath”. A gentle product, such as our Fragrance Free Moisture Hypoallergenic Lotion, will help seal in moisture in even eczema-prone skin
Read the original article by clicking here. (Link opens in new window.)