How to Treat Dry Skin
Dry skin. So annoying, especially when it’s hot and all you want to do is wear your new strapless top. Whether you want to get rid of dry skin on your face or body, we’ve got the know-how to conquer it so that dehydrated skin never parts you from your wardrobe again.
1 Protect skin in winter.
Winter is dry skin’s playground. Make sure your skin is protected from the harsh weather and central heating by smoothing in a rich, thick moisturizer like Dove Cream Oil Intensive Body Lotion (Link opens in new window.)
2 Cleanse gently.
Cleansing can be rough – your skin needs its natural oils so be gentle with it and use a wash that will put that sought-after moisture back in, like our White Beauty Bar (Link opens in new window.)
3 Don’t overheat.
In the shower, keep the water warm – too hot and it will strip those oils from your skin
4 Be kind during hair removal.
Hair removal can make dry skin worse. Always use shaving gel (or, just between us, conditioner actually makes a great shaving cream! Shh don’t tell) and a good moisturizer post-shave to put the stripped-away oils back in, like our Ultra Restorative Body Lotion. (Link opens in new window.)
5 Bedtime care.
We want to keep hands happy, but it’s hard to find a free moment where hand cream doesn’t end up all over our phones. Work around that by applying it before bed
6 Eat smart.
Pick up some oily fish at the supermarket – the fatty acids in them act like a natural moisturizer from the inside out
Read the original article by clicking here. (Link opens in new window.)