OIT 2024 MotMC Sweeps article

2024 Month of the Military Child Sweepstakes

Celebrate Month of the Military Child!

We are excited to announce that we are once again partnering with author Sarah Doran & Family Magazine for the 2024 Month of the Military Child Book Giveaway!

April is the Month of the Military Child, a time to honor and recognize the sacrifices and contributions military children make for their families. Military children often experience unique challenges such as frequent moves and separations from loved ones, but their resilience and strength serve as an inspiration to us all. That’s why we’re giving away TEN free copies of her book, “The Peppered Sky”!

Click the link below for your chance to WIN!

2023 MotMC Book GiveawayPeppered Sky 01

The Peppered Sky tells the story from the perspective of military children Haleigh & Mason watching Airborne troops and comes from Sarah’s own fond memories of watching her father practice his jumps as an Airborne member. The rhythm of the writing and the wonderful illustrations are sure to soon make this book a family favorite. Enter below and get ready for a chance to win a copy for your little ones! You can also find plenty of resources below that celebrate military children!

Find Sarah’s site here. (Link opens in new window.)

click here for entry form button (Link opens in new window.)



About the Author, Sarah Doran

2023 MotMC Book GiveawayDoran Crew chief

Sarah grew up living the life of a military child. Moving from duty station to duty station, with hard goodbyes and awkward hellos, Sarah’s family life was laden with the military culture and lifestyle. Not wanting to let go of her military affiliation, Sarah joined the Army in 2007 as a Blackhawk helicopter mechanic, later gaining experience as a crew chief. She met her husband in 2008 and they were married in 2010.

2023 MotMC Giveaway Doran FamilyOnce their enlistments came to an end, Sarah was ready for another adventure: motherhood. Now a civilian, Sarah became mama to two boys, Chase and Hunter. While motherhood and homeschooling suit her well, Sarah searched for her new connection to the military community. When her passion for writing met her love of military family life, her military children’s stories were born, The Peppered Sky. We’re excited to partner with Sarah for this amazing opportunity for military families!


Resources for Military Parents

Click the images below to check out helpful articles for the military children in your life!

OIT five reasons military kids are awesome carousel

Knorr 7 tips for cooking with kids in the kitchen carousel OIT 4 simple ways to get your kids in the kitchen carousel

OIT 5 fun activities to get kids outdoors carousel

OIT ideas for a tv free family night carousel OIT 12 cant miss parenting resources for military parents carousel

OIT 5 Ways for Military Kids to Flourish at a New School carousel