Movie-Night Banana & Popcorn
Prep Time: 15 minutes Serves: 1 person
- 1 Magnum Almond (Link opens in new window.)
- 1 small banana
- 10 pcs salted caramel popcorn
- Maple syrup
- Frying oil or butter
- Peel banana and cut the banana in 2 cm pieces
- Heat frying pan on medium heat and with a bit of oil panfry the banana pieces shortly until they will start to caramelize
- Add a couple of spoons of maple syrup and toss it around the bananas until they are nicely caramelized
- Divide the banana pieces over the plate
- Place Magnum Almond on top
- Sprinkle some of the popcorn over the Magnum
- And drizzle some of the leftover maple syrup that is in the pan over the dessert and serve
Find the original recipe by clicking here. (Link opens in new window.)