Matcha Green Tea Latte

Matcha Green Tea Latte

Preparation Time30 mins Makes 4 servings

Enjoy this cool and frothy Matcha Green Tea iced latte. Who else loves Matcha?

Ingredients List
  1. 6 Lipton® Magnificent Matcha Green Tea with Matcha Tea Bags
  2. 4 cups boiling water
  3. 2 cups ice cubes
  4. 1 cup of your favorite creamer



1. Bring 4 cups of water to a boil and steep Lipton® Magnificent Matcha Green Tea with Matcha Tea Bags; set aside to cool.

2. Once cooled, blend Tea and ice until smooth. Pour cold tea into drinking glasses and prepare creamer.

3. For a frothy latte finish, shake the creamer in a glass jar for a few minutes, then divide evenly into each glass. Enjoy!