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OIT new years resolutions article

Useful Tips to Help Make your New Years Resolutions Stick!

How to achieve a successful New Year!

If the last few years have taught us anything, it is that we are RESILIENT & malleable. Even those who are rooted heavily in routine found they have the ability to go with the flow. Distance education, working remotely, grocery deliveries, masks, hand-sanitizer. All of these things are now a part of our routines, depending where you live. 

So, what’s so hard about keeping a resolution then? Maybe you have failed in the past, but 2020 proves you can do anything if you truly set your mind to it. Think of it as another mandate!

Here are some tips on how to help make & keep some new personal mandates for a successful 2021!

Be Practical

One way you are guaranteed to fail is if you set yourself up for it. Choose something you know you can achieve. For example, “Earn a Million Dollars” is a far-fetched goal if you aren’t in the position to do that. “Save Ten Thousand Dollars” however, is something that is more realistic. 

The Devils in the Details

Break down your plan. Develop a method of attack. Keeping with the “Save Ten Thousand Dollars” resolution, outline how much you will need to save a week. Then break down how you will do so. Like giving up ordering take-out or buying breakfast & choose to cook at home. Maybe cancel some subscriptions you may have. Figure out how you will stop yourself from impulsively purchasing something.  Some ideas are calling a friend or visualizing what you will do with that money, like a vacation or a new home.

Highlight the Benefits (and downfalls) of your Goal

Make a bullet-point list of what good will come from achieving this goal & what negative aspects it will carry should you fall behind. Seeing it in front of you may help, especially when you have a moment of weakness. 

Highlight the Small Goals

Keep track of your goal by putting it to paper or on your computer. Set short-term goals and celebrate small victories. Every single bit counts! Reward yourself when you hit that benchmark. If it was to save money, treat yourself with the thing you refrained from doing to save. Order breakfast, buy that coffee, splurge on that new lipstick or top you have been eyeing. Keep the reward relative! Just because you have saved $500, doesn’t mean you have carte blanche to spend $250. 

Most importantly……

If You Slip Up, Don’t Give Up!

Don’t be so hard on yourself! The rest of world is there to do that for you. If you were knitting a new sweater or painting a new picture & it was a quarter done, would you throw it out if you made one small mistake? No! Well, I’d hope not! Think of the year as 52 weeks to start. If you mess up, break it down to 365 days. Tackle your resolution again and stick to it for 24 hours. If you can get through 24 hours, you can get through the next 24 hours. Before you know it, you’ve kept to your resolution for a month!

You are worth it! Keep trying, keep growing and keep going!